The Presidency's urban policy events

For the Belgian Presidency of the EU, Perspective was responsible for organising 4 meetings of Member State representatives. 


    These meetings bring together the Member State administrations responsible for urban affairs. A number of European institutions responsible for urban policy and international networks also attend.

    These events are as follows:

    • UATPG : Urban Agenda Technical Preparatory Group: the UATPG is a small working group whose members are selected from within the UDG and whose aim is to support the implementation and review of the Urban Agenda for the EU process.
    • UDG : Urban Development Group : the Urban Development Group meeting brings together the technical contact points of EU Member States, partners and a number of European institutions to prepare for the Directors-General Meetings (DGUM).
    • DGUM : Directors-General on Urban Matters: the Directors-General on Urban Matters from each Member and Partner State are invited by the President of the Council to meet once every six months.
    • UAEU Lab : Urban Agenda for the EU: workshop on monitoring and implementing the Urban Agenda for the EU.

    In addition to these four intergovernmental events, the Brussels Region took the initiative to organise two further events:

    • a high-level meeting of mayors of major cities;
    • a meeting between European urban planning agencies.